C Programs

4. Write a program to find the series of prime numbers in the given range.
5. Write a program to generate Fibonacci numbers in the given range.
12. Write a program to generate Pascal Triangle.
13. Write a program to read two matrices and print their sum and product in the matrix form.
14. Write a program to read matrix and perform the following operations.
15. i. Find the sum of Diagonal Elements of a matrix.
16. ii. Print Transpose of a matrix.
17. iii. Print sum of even and odd numbers in a given matrix.
18. Write a program to accept a line of characters and print the number of Vowels, Consonants, blank spaces, digits and special characters.
19. Write a program to insert a substring in to a given string and delete few characters from the string. Don‟t use library functions related to strings.
20. Write a program to perform the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication of complex numbers.
21. Write a program to split a „file‟ in to two files, say file1 and file2. Read lines into the „file‟ from standard input. File1 should consist of odd numbered lines and file2 should consist of even numbered lines.
22. Write a program to merge two files.
23. Write a program to implement numerical methods Lagrange‟s interpolation, Trapezoidal rule.
24. 25. Write a program to read a set of strings and sort them in alphabetical order. 20
25. Write a program to read two strings and perform the following operations without using builtin string Library functions and by using your own implementations of functions. i. String length determination ii .Compare Two Strings iii. Concatenate them, if they are not equal iv. String reversing
26. Write programs using recursion for finding Factorial of a number, GCD, LCM, and solving Towers of Hanoi problem.
27. Write a program to exchange two numbers using pointers.
28. Write a program to read student records into a file. Record consists of rollno, name and marks of a student in six subjects and class. Class field is empty initially. Compute the class of a student. The calculation of the class is as per JNTUA rules. Write the first class, second class, third class and failed students lists separately to another file.
29. A file consists of information about employee salary with fields employeeid, name, Basic, HRA, DA, IT, other-deductions, Gross and Net salary. Initially only employeeid, name, and basic have valid values. HRA is taken as 10% of the basic, DA is taken as 80% of basic, IT is 20% of the basic, other deductions is user specified. Compute the Gross and Net salary of the employee and update the file.
30. Write a program to perform Base (decimal, octal, hexadecimal, etc) conversion.
31. Write a program to find the square root of a number without using built-in library function.
32. Write a program to convert from string to number.
33. Write a program to implement pseudo random generator.
34. Write a program to generate multiplication tables from 11 to 20.
35. Write a program to express a four digit number in words. For example 1546 should be written as one thousand five hundred and forty six.
36. Write a program to generate a telephone bill. The contents of it and the rate calculation etc should be as per BSNL rules. Student is expected to gather the required information through the BSNL website.
37. Write a program to find the execution time of a program.

38. Design a file format to store a person's name, address, and other information. Write a program to read this file and produce a set of mailing labels
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